Today the agreement was signed between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and the Lega dei Comuni. This is an association that aims to promote cultural initiatives, meetings and conferences on specific subjects, also through...
Giorno: 2 Febbraio 2023
Opening of registrations for the 2nd Edition of the International School in Digital Governance
Registrations are now open for the second edition of the International School in Digital Governance! After the great success of the first edition, the Digital Governance School expands its training offer this year by allowing its members, thanks to the agreement with...
Apertura delle iscrizioni della II Edizione dell’International School in Digital Governance
Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla seconda edizione dell’International School in Digital Governance! Dopo il grande successo della prima edizione, la School in Digital Governance amplia quest’anno la propria offerta formativa permettendo ai propri iscritti, grazie alla...