Privacy is freedoom
On Saturday, July 1st, the Privacy is Freedom conference will be held at the Salesian Pontifical University Institute in Turin. It is an opening initiative of the International School in Digital Governance which will start on October 2nd at the University of Pavia....
Sponsorship granted by the Personal Data Protection Authority
Today, the sponsorship agreement between the School and the Personal Data Protection Authority has been signed! The Personal Data Protection Authority is an independent administrative authority established by the Italian law no. 675 of December 31st, 1996, to ensure...
Convention signed with ANORC Professions
The convention between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and ANORC Professions was signed today. This is an association whose goals include promoting and spreading studies, initiatives and research in the field of privacy,...
Convention signed with CSIG Ivrea-Torino
Today, a convention was signed between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and CSIG Ivrea-Torino. It is an association that aims to promote the exchange, discussion, and sharing of experiences, with the goal of finding solutions...
Opening of registrations for the 2nd Edition of the International School in Digital Governance
Registrations are now open for the second edition of the International School in Digital Governance! After the great success of the first edition, the Digital Governance School expands its training offer this year by allowing its members, thanks to the agreement with...
Agreement signed with the Lega dei Comuni
Today the agreement was signed between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and the Lega dei Comuni. This is an association that aims to promote cultural initiatives, meetings and conferences on specific subjects, also through...
Agreement signed with the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valuation
Today, the agreement was signed between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valuation. This is an organization that aims to ensure and verify the competences and professional quality...
Agreement signed with TÜV Türingen Italy
Today, the agreement was signed between the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and Tüv Türingen Italy. This is an independent certification and inspection body that offers certification services in the areas of quality, environment,...