International Winter School in Digital Governance

I Edizione

12 November 2021 – 27 november 2021

The International School in Digital Governance is accredited by the National Forensic Council for n. 18 professional training credits (3 per day)

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The International School in Digital Governance is held entirely in English. The course consists of three modules: Digital governance and Big Data; Information Security and Digital Transformation and AI, Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis.

Preliminary Module: Induction to Digital Transformation

  • Deep State and Public law
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital trust evolution

The participants who have followed at least 70% of the lessons will receive a certificate, after delivering a project work on one of the topics covered by the course.

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Classes will take place at the main building of the University of Pavia. Video lessons will also be provided

Seats available

Hours of lessons

International teachers

The programme is designed for anyone willing to consolidate their current management position in innovative organizations, both in the private and public sector.

The advanced Training Course is delivered by the Departmental Center for Legal, Historical and Social Studies on the Environment and Territory Management of the Department of Political and Social Sciences for the organization and governance of the Public Administration of the University of Pavia, in collaboration with the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy


The course uses innovative teaching methods aimed at involving participants in the training and learning process. We intend to structure the course with the following teaching components: Technical overview, Emerging trends, Case studies, Business game

The International School in Digital Governance aims to provide participants with a sound framework of digital management, now crucial for increasing competitiveness and efficiency.

The focus of this advanced training course is on Big Data, AI and on the implementation of digitalization processes.

The course consists of three modules:

  • 1st Module: Digital governance and Big Data
  • 2nd Module: Information Security and Digital Transformation
  • 3rd Module: AI, Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis

Preliminary Module: Induction to Digital Transformation

  • Deep State and Public law
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Digital Transformation
  • Digital trust evolution

The International School in Digital Governance is led by a powerful team of global experts who have relevant positions in international companies and consulting firms, as well as in European institutions, and are supported by Italian and foreign professors of proven expertise. The International School in Digital Governance will publish a research report with the most innovative contents, analysis and suggestions highlighted during the course by participants and guest experts.


Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e Sociali - Università degli Studi di Pavia
Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca - Organizzazione e governance della pubblica amministrazione
Logo Appleby Srl
Fondazione Giannino Bassetti
Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Terapia Medica - Università degli Studi di Pavia
Fondazione Giandomenico Romagnosi - Scuola di Governo Locale
Con il patrocinio di: Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali